Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Game Night Light 11

This last Monday I renewed weekly game night after vacation related cancellations. 

I prepared for my major winter project of finally--after decades of working on it--finishing my 3-D Caesar Alesia board game project.

The miniatures for this project were the only hole in my miniatures painting project from last winter.

The painting will just involve spray painting with perhaps some minor touch ups. I'm undecided.

But I needed to calculate how many of each color I needed. Having bought miniatures in sufficient quantity to make a 3-D game based on expanded hexes with larger bases, I needed far fewer by relying on the original game map for the base.

And as it turned out, I had already made templates for the unit bases. I'd forgotten that!

So this is what I did this last Monday for game night:

The beer was a token drink as I continue to try to compensate for drinking a lot in Las Vegas. And then regular game night. After this week, I'm evened out enough, I say.

The red and pink paints are for Romans while the dark and light green are for Gaul units. For some reason on my template I made the archers and slinger bases yellow. I don't know why but I'm not taking the time to change it now. I printed them on card stock and that's that. Before the weather turns I need to take the miniatures outside, use tacky stuff to stick them to a cardboard sheet, and spray paint them. 

Then I can mount the miniatures on the unit bases. The bases are sized to allow three Roman and two Gaul units per hex. So yeah, they are tiny and my razor or scissors skills will be put to the test.

The white blank dice are for Roman forts. I should paint them. But that is low priority. Heck, I may decide hollow balsa wood forts are needed. But I need 23 and the plain white cubes are very attractive from that perspective.

The terrain is the major 3-D aspect. In the center you can see Alesia on top of the hill with the slope step around it. That's the basic model of my plan. I photocopy the map for higher elevations and glue it to think styrofoam-backed poster board. I have a lot more of that to do.

I also have balsa wood strips to make the Roman fortification lines. Which I will paint black and brown for the two types.

The end result will be a 3-D board game, played with the game rules.

But I have a long way to go. It's been slow progress the last three decades. I need to speed this up.

But now with the scaled down version, I have a lot of extra Romans and Gaul figures--especially Roman figures. Too few for real miniatures, I think. Maybe I will use them for Medieval heavy and light infantry and archers. I have no idea what I'll do with the Roman artillery I have. I imagine I thought I'd use them for the forts, but I have to stack units up there so that's a no go.

So that was Monday game night. It was brief but useful. My 6-pack for beer exchange remains in the refrigerator!

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