Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The June 2024 FBXG

Rejoice! After a hiatus I have restarted non-Catan game nights. Originally I used it for playing dormant games once a week, whether a friend joined me or not. It was fun but mostly not. I decided to make the game event a monthly thing on variable Friday nights. That way the "mostly not" part should decline. And I can still call a solitaire night for me. So while this has a new tag, it is still basically the weekly game night and beer exchange--rebranded as FBXG.

The beers:

The game was Through the Ages. As I looked through the game I was puzzled because it was partially opened. I had thought it looked familiar because it has features like Castles of Burgundy. This seemed simpler. But then some aspects puzzled me. Some game components were opened. Brain synapses kept firing. And so I searched the game night archives. I found this game had featured in a prior FBXG over two years ago! And we even played it one time before with just two players. Curse you, sparking brain synapses.

The game:

The game can handle four players and we had three. I may have to see if it has an expansion kit. We played the basic game. The longer games might mean we should just play my old Avalon Hill Civilization game!

Anyway it was much fun with game mechanics slowly returning to us. We couldn't finish the game by the rules criteria, so to finish before 10:00 we called it after all had had the same number of turns. As we counted up the points, leads changed until the final player added up his points and squeaked ahead for the win!

It would be nice to have a Saturday game for this starting like a regular game night to try a more advanced version. Or, just to play the simpler Avalon Hill Civilization game. Either would be fun.

The beer and company was good, of course.

We'll do it again in July.

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